Le 30/05/2024

Ecorobotix is back at FIRA USA, and let's read what they have to say about this new edition

ARA is a high-precision sprayer developed by Ecorobotix, which enables the ultra-targeted application of herbicides, fungicides, insecticides or fertilizers. ARA plant-by-plant treatment reduces chemical and water use up to 95% and drift by 90% while increasing crop yields thanks to phytotoxicity avoidance from selective products normally used. ARA improves the profitability of your farm, while adhering to environmental regulations.

Ecorobotix has been supporting FIRA for some years now, so FIRA asked José Marchetti, regional sales manager at Ecorobotix, to tell us more about their involvement.

José Marchetti - Ecorobotix

FIRA | You were a partner in the last FIRA USA edition, please share with us your feedback!

JM | We greatly enjoyed our time at FIRA last year. It was one of our first events in the United States, and we were able to connect with quite a few people in the region and show our ARA sprayer during the demonstrations. It was a great turn out!

FIRA | For how long you've been partnering at FIRA USA?

JM | This is our third year at FIRA USA!

FIRA | What do you expect from this new edition?

JM | We have really started to gain traction in the US and are looking forward to connecting with Farming Companies interested in adopting our technology in their operations.

FIRA | What does automation in agriculture mean to you?

JM | Automation is making human intervention in the fields more efficient, less risky and more productive. Our ARA Ultra High Precision Sprayer, brings many benefits to the Farmers, helping them grow healthier crops, increase their yields (5-15%), save large amounts of phytosanitary products (up to -95%!) and, last but not least, with ARA, growers can significantly reduce the costs of manual labor on the fields(-20 to -80%), which is giving them a fast ROI.

More information about Ecorobotix

You want to join Ecorobotix as a FIRA USA partner? Check out our Partnership Offers now!


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